21.Natural Wonders

  1. 4. Natural sinkholes in Yucatán.
  2. 5. ---- Jungle, rich in biodiversity.
  3. 6. active volcano.
  4. 7. highest peak in Mexico.
  5. 10. ---- Riviera, Known for its beautiful beaches.
  6. 11. Sótano de las ----, deep cave in San Luis Potosí.
  7. 14. ---- del Cobre Copper Canyon, larger than the Grand Canyon.
  8. 17. Known for its Natural Caves.
  9. 18. Natural monuments in Cabo San Lucas.
  10. 19. A river running through Sumidero Canyon.
  1. 1. Known for its Coral reefs.
  2. 2. ---- Monarca butterfly reserve.
  3. 3. Island of ----, known for Day of the Dead.
  4. 4. Biosphere reserve in Tulum.
  5. 8. A desert that covers the northwestern Mexican states.
  6. 9. known as the Lagoon of Seven Colors.
  7. 12. Canyon in Chiapas.
  8. 13. National parks, preserving natural beauty.
  9. 15. Waterfall in Chiapas.
  10. 16. Sierra ---- Occidental a major mountain range system.