24. Michael Myers Movies

  1. 1. Halloween 5: The ... of Michael Myers
  2. 4. The fictional Illinois setting
  3. 6. Laurie's babysitting pair: Lindsey and...
  4. 7. Halloween 4: The ... of Michael Myers
  5. 9. Original title: The ... Murders
  6. 10. Evil company in Halloween III: The Season of the Witch, Silver...
  7. 12. Mr. McDowell, Loomis in Rob Zombie's Halloween films
  8. 13. Myers' favorite weapon
  9. 16. Whose eyes does Michael have?
  10. 17. Aaron and Dana's occupation in Halloween (2018)
  11. 19. Nick, original Michael Myers actor
  1. 2. Smith's ... Sanitarium
  2. 3. You can't kill him
  3. 5. Alternative Cut of Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers
  4. 8. Dr. Loomis' first name
  5. 11. Main setting for Halloween II
  6. 14. Original tagline: The ... He Came Home!
  7. 15. Co-creator Hill
  8. 18. Alternative name for Michael Myers, The...
  9. 20. Final Halloween film in 2021