25 turning points of American History

  1. 2. Battle that ended the Revolutionary War
  2. 4. First To Ratify 1787
  3. 6. Drafted the Bill Of Rights
  4. 11. Supreme Court decides Dredd Scott vs. _____ -1857
  5. 13. War caused in 1675 because of a Massachusetts settler killed a Native American
  6. 16. Name of "Devils Magic" that 20 people were accused for in 1692
  7. 19. Samuel Morse invented the _____
  8. 22. Columbus claims he found the in 1492
  9. 23. Name of Crisis that John C. Calhoun started
  10. 24. Name of Native American who helped the Pilgrims talk to their Chief
  11. 25. Supreme Court decides its Supremacy with _____ vs. Madison-1803
  1. 1. Elizabeth Candy Stanton was a woman's______
  2. 3. Where George Washington attacked and began the French and Indian War
  3. 5. 363 miles from Albany To Buffalo
  4. 7. political struggle that ensued over the fate of the Second Bank of the United States during the presidency of Andrew Jackson
  5. 8. First to sign The Declaration Of Independence
  6. 9. The first permanent English settlement in North America
  7. 10. State that President Jefferson purchased from Napoleon
  8. 12. Minuteman fires the “Shot Heard Round the World” Lexington and ____-1775
  9. 14. Indian removal act freed up land west of the _________
  10. 15. Name of ship pilgrims used to come to the U.S. in 1620
  11. 17. British troops set fire to this building in 1814
  12. 18. Number of colonists killed in the Boston Massacre
  13. 20. In 1619 ______ started and carried on for 2 and have more centuries
  14. 21. James W. Marshall was thee first one to find this in California