26-49, btw there are numbers, (-) used as spaces and are in questions:6,7,8,9,11,19

  1. 6. When the three hundred trumpets sounded what happened?
  2. 7. How did god repay the wickedness that Abimelek had done to his father.
  3. 8. What did the Israelites ask of Gideon?
  4. 9. Why did the Israelites cry out for help?
  5. 11. How long did the land have peace this time?
  6. 13. Who was leading Israel now?
  7. 16. Then the lord said there were still too many men who was Gideon supposed to keep?
  8. 18. They were glad to share their plunder with him. But what did he do with it?
  9. 19. Deborah led well, and on that day what did the lord do?
  1. 1. What was the lord's response as to why he would be successful
  2. 2. What did Israel do with what Gideon created?
  3. 3. Their Power was so oppressive, where did the Israelites prepare shelters for themselves?
  4. 4. When they reached the edge of camp, what did they do
  5. 5. As the Israelites began to do evil in the sight of the Lord how long did he give them into the hands of Midianites
  6. 10. Who did Gideon say would actually rule over them
  7. 12. Who rose to save Israel after the time of Abimelek.
  8. 14. Even though he was respecting the lord's authority, what was his request of the Israelites
  9. 15. What had they not remember
  10. 17. who crowned him their leader