  1. 2. surname of a woman that rivoluzioned tha history of racism in ALABAMA
  2. 4. what CHEMIST'S mean (in a town)
  3. 6. past simple of the verb DO
  4. 8. termine con cui si indica la risposta al WHY
  5. 9. brtish english of ELEVATOR
  6. 10. capital of IRELAND
  7. 11. base form of the verb SHUT
  8. 12. past simple of the verb ROMPERE (in English)
  9. 14. place in a town where you buy fruits (for example) outdoors
  10. 17. past simple of HAVE
  11. 18. COMPLETA: I was, you ..., he/she/it was, we were, you ..., they ...
  12. 20. that dress is so EXPENSIVE! what expensive's mean?
  13. 22. traduzione di BROCCOLI in ENGLISH
  14. 23. TRECENTO in inglese
  1. 1. traduzione di PONTE
  2. 3. american english of AUTUMN
  3. 5. adverb of frequency that indicates "raramente"
  4. 7. negative form, past simple of the verb BE
  5. 11. metropolitana in AMERICAN ENGLISH
  6. 13. past simple of the verb UNDERSTAND
  7. 15. past simple of KNOW
  8. 16. articolo determinativo invariabile per genere e numero
  9. 19. past simple of COSTARE in English
  10. 21. TYPE OF FILM that makes scary or terror