2nd Hour - This is Us!

  1. 1. likes to mountain bike
  2. 5. is really good at cooking
  3. 6. likes to draw
  4. 7. enjoys drawing and making up characters
  5. 8. has blue eyes, but his parents both have brown
  6. 9. is left handed and likes making pottery
  7. 12. is on the varsity cheer team
  8. 14. likes to watch wrestling
  9. 15. is really interested in coding
  10. 16. lives on a lake
  11. 18. often stays up until 4 a.m.
  12. 19. likes KPOP music
  13. 21. favorite color is sage green
  14. 23. was born in Chicago
  15. 24. works at Walnut Creek Country Club
  1. 2. loves to sew clothes and make quilts
  2. 3. owns a lot of dogs
  3. 4. is on the swim team
  4. 5. likes to spend time with family/cousins
  5. 10. is ambidextrous (can write with both hands)
  6. 11. likes football
  7. 12. loves Oreo cookies
  8. 13. teaches Tae kwon do
  9. 17. plays lacrosse and football
  10. 20. is good at games and likes science
  11. 22. spends a lot of money on shoes