2nd period Kasey and Gaby

  1. 6. who played an important role in increasing US military strength
  2. 10. In what county is the delta airlines company located in the state of Georgia?
  3. 12. branch
  4. 13. the requirement of blank is different for the house of rep and senate.
  5. 14. organization founded by John lewis
  6. 16. expanded MARTA promoted African American police officers etc. helped to bring olympics
  7. 21. bell bomber plant millitary bases shipyards war bonds victory gardens
  8. 22. who is best remembered for bringing aviation to Atlanta?
  9. 23. government economic recovery programs developed to stimulate the economy
  10. 24. What's the name of the national legislature?
  11. 25. Organization that was founded by Martin Luther King Jr organized civil rights protests such as the Albany Movement and still focuses on causes today like healthcare prison reform and more?
  12. 26. Poll taxes, Literacy Tests, Grandfather Clause are examples of what?
  13. 31. branch
  14. 32. changed many people's opinion on whether US should joining the war
  15. 34. What is a factor of production?
  16. 35. what keeps one branch of gov from becoming too powerful
  17. 38. Who brought major league sports team to ATL?
  18. 40. used violence to promote segregation
  19. 42. 30 years old GA resident fro six years
  1. 1. governor of GA ended disenfranchisement tactics like the poll tax
  2. 2. Which branch of state government is responsible for enforcing laws?
  3. 3. showcased industrial progress and promoted northern investment in georgia
  4. 4. coined the term New South and supported southern industrial growth in his newspaper
  5. 5. wisdom justice and moderation
  6. 7. what commission made the recommendation that schools should individually determine whether to desegregate or close?
  7. 8. intensified segregation in atlanta
  8. 9. The U.S. Constitution and Georgia Constitution are similar in that they both create a government based on blank and both include a bill of rights
  9. 11. Board v.s Board of education overturned what case?
  10. 15. FDR came to georgia to treat blank in georgia
  11. 17. supported expanding the railroad and mining industries in the state group of powerful politicians
  12. 18. who opposed new deal programs
  13. 19. blank year terms for members of the general assembly
  14. 20. Which of the following activities is considered both a right and a responsibility of Georgia citizens?
  15. 27. What is the incentive to start a business?
  16. 28. freedom of speech, religion, the press etc.
  17. 29. this insect affected many southern states agricultural development
  18. 30. who supported numerous bills to increase defense spending
  19. 33. important role in hosting the 1996 olympics UN ambassador and mayor in atlanta.
  20. 36. the location of the B29 bomber plant in georgia that contributed to the war effort
  21. 37. leader of the populsit party and represented the common man
  22. 39. citizen of the US a legal resident of GA and at least 18 yrs old.
  23. 41. After the olympics in 1996 this industry grew in georgia?