2nd Semester Exam Review

  1. 5. Number of different species in an area
  2. 6. Struggle between organisms to survive
  3. 9. Proces that causes Down Syndrome
  4. 10. Animals which feed on the dead bodies
  5. 11. Early winter frost preventing tomato growth
  6. 15. First organism in a food chain; makes its own food
  7. 17. Genetic Ex.-Creating human insulin for diabetes
  8. 20. One of two types of symbiosis
  9. 21. Both organisms benefit in a symbiotic relationship
  10. 22. Pairs with Adenine
  1. 1. Nonliving parts of an ecosystem
  2. 2. Second order of organization in an ecosystem
  3. 3. Made of many genes joined together
  4. 4. Living parts of an ecosystem
  5. 5. Application of a technological process, method, etc.
  6. 7. Pairs with Guanine
  7. 8. No more matter can be removed from matter at this temp
  8. 10. All electromagnetic waves have this in common
  9. 12. Type of electromagnetic waves that follow radio waves
  10. 13. Factors that control traits
  11. 14. Hawk building its nest on a saguaro cactus
  12. 16. Smallest order of organization in an ecosystem
  13. 18. Cystic; genetic disorder (thick mucus)
  14. 19. Third order of organization in an ecosystem