2's review

  1. 1. searches and seizures conducted without court-issued search warrants
  2. 6. officers have a reasonable basis of suspecting criminal activity before detaining someone
  3. 9. when a prisoner is released from jail early but still has similar responsibilities as a parolee.
  4. 10. trail that starts but does not finish because of something that happened
  5. 11. execution of an offender sentenced to death after conviction by a court of law of a criminal offense
  6. 14. unintentional killing through the commission of a crime other than felony
  7. 18. defendant is brought in front of the court to hear the charges against them and to enter a plea
  8. 19. the lawyer's final opportunity in a trial to tell the judge and/or jury why they should win the case.
  9. 20. Judge decides whether or not probable cause exists to hold a trial
  1. 2. the help of a lawyer
  2. 3. When the offender has a specific intent to kill or to inflict great bodily harm
  3. 4. a person is held by the state for committing a crime before their trial
  4. 5. the questioning of a witness by the party that has called that witness to give evidence,in order to support the case that is being made.
  5. 7. gives the opposing party an opportunity to point out the weaknesses of a witness's testimony
  6. 8. more serious crime
  7. 12. legal reason a reasonable person has to have to search you
  8. 13. criminal creates a serious crime and someone dies while the crime is being committed
  9. 15. Judge uses sentencing guidelines and information presented at this hearing to make decision
  10. 16. the lawyers first opportunity to address the jury in trial
  11. 17. decides whether or not there is enough evidence to go to trial