#3 CJ 1300

  1. 5. Severity of punishment should take into account the offender's prior criminal behavior
  2. 6. Those that are required by law under certain circumstances
  3. 8. Implements principles of proportionality, equity, social debt, and truth in sentencing
  4. 9. The penalty a court imposes on a person convicted of a crime
  5. 11. The imposition of sentences required by statute for particular crimes
  6. 15. Making the offender a productive member of society
  7. 16. Payment of a debt; payback
  8. 17. The discouragement of crime through fear of punishment
  9. 19. The imposition of a criminal sanction by a judge
  10. 20. Specific amount of time without variation
  1. 1. The changing of one's lifestyle through therapy
  2. 2. Deduction of days from a sentence for good behavior
  3. 3. Severity of punishment should match the seriousness of the crime
  4. 4. Served one after the other
  5. 7. The use of imprisonment to reduce future offenses
  6. 10. Prepared by the probation department which provides personal and criminal history
  7. 12. A sentence of a fixed term of incarceration
  8. 13. Judge specifies a max and min time length and an administrative boards determines the actual time of release
  9. 14. Served together
  10. 18. Punishment as vengeance