33j 11 Aug #1

  1. 2. The interpretations of dreams belong to __________.
  2. 4. What represented three days in the chief cupbearer’s dream? Three __________
  3. 5. Where was Rachel buried? Beside the road to Ephrath, that is __________
  4. 7. What was in Pharaoh’s first dream? __________
  5. 10. What did Joseph say to his brothers as they were returning back to their father Jacob in Genesis 45? “Don’t __________ on the way!”
  6. 11. Where did Joseph first meet his father in Egypt? __________
  7. 13. After Joseph’s father had died, what did Joseph direct the physicians to do? __________
  8. 15. What was the name that Pharaoh gave Joseph? __________-Paneah
  1. 1. Why did Joseph name his first-born as such? Because God had made him __________ all his trouble and all his father’s household.
  2. 3. What represented three days in the chief baker’s dream? Three __________ of bread
  3. 6. Who was Joseph’s firstborn? _________
  4. 8. Which of Joseph’s brother does Joseph’s father say this, “The scepter will not depart from _________, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until he to whom it belongs shall come and the obedience of the nations shall be his.”
  5. 9. What was in Pharaoh’s second dream? __________
  6. 12. Which of his brothers did Joseph take and bind to stay in prison? __________
  7. 14. What belonging to Joseph was found in Benjamin’s sack after Joseph’s brothers left Egypt? A silver __________