3460:421 OOP S22 IoC
- 2. Inversion of Control inverts _____ of the control flow of the program
- 3. In the YAMLParser IoC example, the only method in YAMLParser that the DockerReport calls
- 6. The color in the sequence diagrams for low-level YAML parsing
- 10. The color in the sequence diagrams for Docker Report code
- 11. Instead of your code calling a function/method, you _____ parts of your code
- 12. For low-level functionality with a function, Inversion of Control is often referred to as a _____
- 13. In the YAMLParser IoC, many of the methods became _____
- 14. Similar to much _____-_____ programming
- 1. The color in the sequence diagrams for the YAML parsing loop
- 4. _______ as a handler has no limits but is very slow
- 5. Inversion of Control is essential for _____
- 7. _____ _____ as a handler is limited to free functions
- 8. C++ _____ as a handler has no limits and is extremely fast
- 9. Function pointers as a handler can only use lambda's with _____ capture
- 15. The number of iterations in the sequence diagram examples for DockerReport
- 16. The abbreviation for Inversion of Control