3460:421 OOP S22 IoC

  1. 2. Inversion of Control inverts _____ of the control flow of the program
  2. 3. In the YAMLParser IoC example, the only method in YAMLParser that the DockerReport calls
  3. 6. The color in the sequence diagrams for low-level YAML parsing
  4. 10. The color in the sequence diagrams for Docker Report code
  5. 11. Instead of your code calling a function/method, you _____ parts of your code
  6. 12. For low-level functionality with a function, Inversion of Control is often referred to as a _____
  7. 13. In the YAMLParser IoC, many of the methods became _____
  8. 14. Similar to much _____-_____ programming
  1. 1. The color in the sequence diagrams for the YAML parsing loop
  2. 4. _______ as a handler has no limits but is very slow
  3. 5. Inversion of Control is essential for _____
  4. 7. _____ _____ as a handler is limited to free functions
  5. 8. C++ _____ as a handler has no limits and is extremely fast
  6. 9. Function pointers as a handler can only use lambda's with _____ capture
  7. 15. The number of iterations in the sequence diagram examples for DockerReport
  8. 16. The abbreviation for Inversion of Control