360 Crosswords

  1. 3. athletic director
  2. 6. new maker space teacher
  3. 9. requirement for you to graduate
  4. 10. retired chemistry teacher
  5. 12. boys basketball team
  6. 13. winners of every single pep rally event
  7. 16. ninth grade new math teacher
  8. 18. former geometry teacher
  9. 19. school sport team name
  10. 20. new Spanish teacher
  1. 1. Winner of ping pong tournament
  2. 2. senior year of graduation
  3. 4. half of the school year
  4. 5. Engineering and physics teacher
  5. 6. best family event
  6. 7. senior president
  7. 8. Ping pong tournament host
  8. 11. best basketball player in the school
  9. 14. Runner up of ping pong tournament
  10. 15. gingerbread competition winner
  11. 17. female teacher that has been here since the first year of 360