3rd Anniversary Party

  1. 3. S loves this cuisines but A hates
  2. 6. Our Favorite food
  3. 10. A’s favourite activity but Shivangi’s scared
  4. 11. Where we did 😈 in public
  5. 12. A’s favorite dessert
  6. 13. S’s recent travel obsession(next place on list)
  7. 15. the day we started talking
  1. 1. Common colour in S’s wardrobe
  2. 2. A’s favourite cuisine
  3. 4. Who’s the night owl in our relationship
  4. 5. Where we first met
  5. 7. App we played games on in covid
  6. 8. Our recent vacation
  7. 9. Our first vacation
  8. 14. A’s favorite word from his vocabulary