3rd Hour Review (2's)

  1. 3. A jury that will consider a case fairly, without favoring or discriminating anyone
  2. 5. A trial rendered invalid through an error in the proceedings
  3. 7. Unlawful killing of a human being without malice because of a quarrel or in the heat of the moment
  4. 11. Territory where a court or government agency may exercise its power; power to make legal decisions
  5. 12. The legal standard for an officer to have a reasonable basis for suspecting criminal activity before detaining them
  6. 13. Challenge a previous legal determination
  7. 16. Imprison or confine
  8. 17. Prohibits use of illegally obtained evidence in a criminal trial
  9. 18. Formal reading of criminal charging with the defendant present
  10. 19. A legal requirement that states legal matters must be resolved according to established rules
  11. 20. Any reason to doubt anything that the prosecution is trying to prove its case
  1. 1. Another word for the death penalty; legally authorized killing of someone as punishment for a crime
  2. 2. Lying under oath
  3. 4. Formal reading when the court orders the guilty defendant jail time or a monetary fine
  4. 6. Lawyer's final opportunity to address the jury in a criminal trial; usually summarizes the evidence
  5. 8. Lawyer's first opportunity to address the jury in a criminal trial
  6. 9. Unintentional killing that results from recklessness or from commission of a misdemeanor
  7. 10. The right to an attorney as stated in the 6th Amendment
  8. 14. When a person is held by the State for an offense committed
  9. 15. Murder with malicious intent but not premeditated