4.1 Application

  1. 6. Month of the Presidential Inauguration
  2. 8. The cabinet department responsible for farming, food, and forestry
  3. 9. The process by which the United States elects the president
  4. 12. An annual message delivered by the president to Congress
  5. 13. The head of the executive branch
  6. 14. Main group of advisors to the president
  7. 15. The cabinet department responsible for foreign affairs
  8. 16. Minimum age to be president of the US
  9. 18. The cabinet department responsible for creating policies and programs related to education in the US
  10. 19. The building where the president resides
  1. 1. Length of presidential term
  2. 2. If a federal official commits a crime, this may happen
  3. 3. The chamber of Congress responsible for approving presidential appointments
  4. 4. The cabinet department responsible for monitoring terrorism, cybersecurity, and border security
  5. 5. The cabinet department responsible for US nuclear infrastructure
  6. 7. First in line of presidential succession
  7. 10. The branch responsible for enforcing laws
  8. 11. The department responsible for maintaining national parks
  9. 16. Amoun of votes needed to win the electoral college
  10. 17. The cabinet department responsible for national defense