4.3 Money

  1. 2. The system that connects borrowers to savers
  2. 4. Term used by economists to refer to a checking account as a financial asset
  3. 10. The inflation rate that the bank and consumers predict it will happen
  4. 12. Currency (cash and coins) in circulation + Demand Deposits + Savings Accounts
  5. 14. The type of money that has value entirely from its status
  6. 16. Interest rate adjusted for inflation
  7. 19. The length of time a bondholder needs to wait until it collects the full fixed amount
  8. 20. Any asset that is accepted as a means of payment
  9. 22. An IOU issued by the government or by a corporation
  10. 23. How easily an asset converts to cash without loss of purchasing power
  11. 24. Any uncertainty about the future value of an asset
  12. 25. The sum of currency in circulation and bank reserves held in vaults
  13. 26. The fixed amount of money you get by the end of a bond's maturity
  14. 27. The opposite of an asset
  15. 30. The rate that is advertised by banks
  1. 1. Nominal Interest Rate = Real Interest Rate + Inflation Rate
  2. 3. Sometimes bonds give the owner an occasional payment called ...
  3. 5. When the expected inflation increases, the nominal interest rate also increases to keep the real interest rate constant
  4. 6. An interest rate that fluctuates with inflation
  5. 7. The source of both risk and return for stocks
  6. 8. The cash minimums that financial institutions must have on hand in order to meet central bank requirements
  7. 9. A determinant of a bond's price and the opportunity cost for holding cash
  8. 11. Risk of bankruptcy by both government and corporations
  9. 13. The most liquid financial asset
  10. 15. The type of economy that directly trades goods and services for other goods and services
  11. 17. The source of both risk and return for stocks
  12. 18. The type of money that has intrinsic value
  13. 21. The total amount of money in an economy that can carry out the transactions motive
  14. 25. M1 + small denomination time deposits (CDs) + retail money market funds
  15. 28. A risk that affects all financial assets
  16. 29. Synonym for stock
  17. 31. A financial asset that represents a slice of ownership in a company