49. Money

  1. 2. - Small, round, and jingles in your pocket.
  2. 4. - Holds your cash and cards, keeps them secure like bodyguards.
  3. 5. - Green and crinkly, used to buy things quickly.
  4. 7. - Where money is made, coins and bills parade.
  5. 8. - A cute little container, saving coins for later.
  6. 10. - Plan your spending, keep your money from ending.
  7. 13. - Lots of money and riches, what everyone wishes.
  1. 1. - A paper note, the value it denotes.
  2. 2. - Giving to those in need, a kind and selfless deed.
  3. 3. - Insert your card, get cash in a flash.
  4. 6. - Putting money aside, for a goal you won't hide.
  5. 9. - Where you keep your money safe, with a vault and teller's space.
  6. 11. - The currency used to buy, it's what you need to get things by.
  7. 12. - Coins that you receive, when you pay and leave.