4C WL1-2

  1. 2. Henry felt ____when he had to leave his siblings.
  2. 3. Benny ___ed sticks for a broom.
  3. 6. Jessie cooked ___food her her siblings.
  4. 8. I haven't spoken Korean for years so my Korean is ___.
  5. 9. "My garage looks clean now," ___ed Dr. Moore.
  6. 11. The children ___the boxcar for several days.
  7. 12. The boxcar children _____ed to build a swimming pool.
  1. 1. Henry tried to ___Benny that the boxcar wouldn't be moved.
  2. 4. They were asleep in an ____ because they were tired.
  3. 5. The boxcar children didn't ___school.
  4. 7. The baker's wife was_____when the kids ran away.
  5. 10. The spoons looked ___after being washed carefully.