4e, Unit 1, revision

  1. 6. It’s important to be _______ when making decisions about your health.
  2. 7. If you show kindness and compassion towards others, you are _______.
  3. 8. To achieve your goals, you need to have _______ and dedication.
  4. 9. Showing kindness and courtesy, especially in social situations, is being _______.
  5. 12. Being _______ means you think about other people's feelings and are respectful of them.
  6. 16. _______ is an essential skill for artists and innovators.
  7. 19. Clear _______ is key to a successful team.
  8. 21. When someone shows a lack of respect towards others, they are _______.
  9. 22. I was absolutely _______ when I saw the spider.
  10. 23. If someone behaves in a respectful and well-mannered way, they are _______.
  1. 1. The title of a newspaper article that grabs attention is known as the _______.
  2. 2. Being _______ means speaking or acting in a way that is offensive or impolite.
  3. 3. Someone who resists authority or control is considered _______.
  4. 4. Someone who refuses to follow rules or instructions is _______.
  5. 5. It's unfair to judge people based on a _______.
  6. 10. A person who boldly refuses to obey orders is _______.
  7. 11. A _______ is a period of ten years.
  8. 13. His main _______ in life is to become a successful entrepreneur.
  9. 14. If you are worried or concerned about something, you are _______.
  10. 15. There is no _______ to support your claim.
  11. 17. The feeling or opinion someone gets from meeting you for the first time is called an _______.
  12. 18. Your overall approach or mindset towards something is called your _______.
  13. 20. Behaving in a way that shows respect for others and their opinions is being _______.