4th Grade Expectations

  1. 1. Stay in your ______ at lunch
  2. 7. Voice level to be on in the hallway
  3. 8. Keep your ______ to your self
  4. 10. Walking _______ at all times
  5. 12. One __________ at a time on the stairs
  6. 14. Number of Fingers to ask a question
  7. 15. Number of fingers to ask for a drink
  8. 16. Follow ___________ directions
  9. 18. You have two _________ to get back from the restroom
  1. 2. Number of fingers to ask for the restroom
  2. 3. Do not share __________________________
  3. 4. Say _________ and thank you to cafateria staff
  4. 5. ________ appropriate topics for conversation
  5. 6. Be a ________ model for the other grades
  6. 9. It's kind to remind with a ________________
  7. 10. Number of fingers to ask for a tissue
  8. 11. Number of fingers to ask for a pencil
  9. 13. Writing and drawing is for _________ not walls
  10. 17. Paper towels go in the ____________ can