50 first dates
- 2. opposite of boyenemy
- 3. take care about animals
- 4. sozinho
- 5. rhymes with new
- 7. maçã + ponta
- 8. Adam Sandler was an ****
- 12. opposite of why
- 14. rarelly
- 16. first meal of the day
- 18. opposite of never
- 19. the born day
- 21. 50 first dates was a good ***
- 1. 007
- 5. use a ring in left hand
- 6. vocês estavam no intervalo *** dessa aula
- 9. palavra utilizada para "encontro" em inglês.
- 10. building builds (prédios)
- 11. ocean, sea
- 13. big boat
- 15. all
- 17. Não podemos evitar
- 20. teacher, farmer, driver, doctor