50 word word search
- 2. from motion
- 3. group of stars making a pattern
- 7. action of precipitating substance from a solution
- 8. gradual accumulation of substance in a organism
- 10. weather conditions prevailing in a area
- 12. branch of technology concerned with spaceflight and aviation
- 15. you expect to happen if your hypothesis is true
- 17. conclusion reached from evidence and reasoning
- 19. natural phenomenon that is made from electrically charged particles and gasses
- 22. animal that preys on others
- 28. resistance from 2 points from a conductor
- 30. building blocks of the universe
- 32. that exist in cell clusters
- 35. the sun appears at full daytime
- 36. geographic area where plants and animals make a bubble of life
- 38. appearance of a mineral surface
- 39. science of air flight machines
- 40. strength of a electric current
- 42. flow of electricity
- 44. tools used in a mission
- 45. preying of one animal on others
- 46. easy a substance can burst into flames
- 47. variable that relies on other variables
- 48. ability to have its shape changed
- 49. surrounding the earth
- 1. at something in order to gain information
- 4. quantity that can be changed in a experiment
- 5. variable that is constant and not changing
- 6. force between 2 similar charges
- 9. final claim a scientist makes
- 11. flow of electricity per second
- 13. procedure to a hypothesis
- 14. model with a sun in the center
- 16. animal killed for food
- 18. ability to deform under pressure
- 20. idea that could explain a phenomenon
- 21. that is stored
- 23. first artificial satellite
- 24. object that a electron cant go through freely
- 25. or situated in rapid waters
- 26. resistance that one object encounters when moving over another
- 27. How easily electricity or heat can pass through a object
- 29. not from living organism
- 31. methodically and in detail
- 33. Fabrication,Making metal structures from cutting
- 34. ability to deform under pressure
- 37. state of being thick,sticky,and semi fluid
- 41. scale,How hard a substance is
- 43. unit of power