50th Anniversary

  1. 2. Type of first date they had.
  2. 4. Favorite concert attended together.
  3. 7. Current favorite sporting activity together.
  4. 9. Name of lake house in Nebraska.
  5. 11. Where they stayed on their wedding night in Chicago.
  6. 12. How many children do they have?
  7. 13. Number of countries visited together.
  8. 15. What secret language do Rudy and Therese speak?
  9. 17. Rudy’s favorite band.
  10. 21. First car bought together.
  11. 22. What Therese left in Rudys Pocket the first night they met so he would have to call her back.
  12. 23. Therese’s maiden name.
  13. 24. Name of Rudy’s High School.
  14. 25. University they both graduated from.
  15. 26. Where did Therese go to High School?
  1. 1. Where did Rudy & Therese meet?
  2. 3. Name of Rudy’s dental practice.
  3. 5. Airfare base they lived at in New Jersey.
  4. 6. Therese has played in 7 of these for USTA Tennis.
  5. 8. Type of diamond Rudy had to make the wedding ring for Therese.
  6. 10. Rudys favorite drink.
  7. 14. Name of summer camp in Maine they worked at together.
  8. 16. Where they got married.
  9. 18. How many grandchildren do they have?
  10. 19. How many homes have they owned?
  11. 20. What country were Therese and Rudy visiting 7 1/2 months before Tommy was born?