5.3.1 Simple Machines

  1. 3. an example of a third class lever
  2. 6. a push or pull
  3. 7. an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder, forming the path and pitch
  4. 11. two or more simple machines working together to make the work easier
  5. 14. A simple machine makes what easier?
  6. 16. a simple machine that lifts or moves an item by rolling
  7. 18. a flat surface set at an angle which is used to push or pull the load
  8. 20. a device that allows work to be performed with less effort
  9. 21. a bar used to exert a pressure or sustain a weight by pivoting on its fulcrum
  1. 1. an example of a second class lever
  2. 2. example of a lever
  3. 4. an example of a first class lever
  4. 5. the ratio of the force produced by a machine to the force applied to the machine
  5. 6. a type of lever where the fulcrum is in the middle and the effort is applied on one end and the load is on the other end
  6. 8. example of an inclined plane
  7. 9. example of a screw
  8. 10. used for splitting or tightening by being driven into something
  9. 12. a grooved wheel around which a rope, belt, or chain passes
  10. 13. example of a pulley
  11. 15. example of a wedge
  12. 17. example of a wheel and axle
  13. 19. the point at which a lever turns or is supported