5.6 Key Terms
- 4. new roads, bridges, and canals
- 7. direct involvement
- 9. loyalty to one’s state or section rather than to the nation as a whole
- 12. includes present-day nations of Nicaragua, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala
- 16. spoke for the South
- 17. most skillful speaker of his time
- 1. describes people born to Spanish parents
- 2. the Supreme Court upheld the power of the federal government to regulate trade between states
- 3. includes present-day nations of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Panama
- 5. easily defeated the Federalists
- 6. or trade between different states
- 8. called for high tariffs on imports
- 10. United States would not interfere in the affairs of European nations or existing colonies of the European nations
- 11. the Court ruled that states had no right to interfere with federal institutions within their borders
- 13. contained about 1,000 black Seminoles
- 14. Spain agreed to give Florida to the United States in exchange for $5 million
- 15. spoke for the West