5B Vocabulary

  1. 2. first
  2. 7. Christmas
  3. 9. to come
  4. 10. leap year
  5. 11. to march
  6. 14. tomorrow
  7. 15. old
  8. 16. to understand
  9. 18. day before yesterday
  10. 21. a lot
  11. 22. the date
  12. 23. was
  13. 24. yesterday
  14. 25. to have birthdays
  1. 1. a little bit
  2. 3. quickly
  3. 4. the year
  4. 5. the month
  5. 6. to celebrate
  6. 8. day after tomorrow
  7. 12. younger
  8. 13. today
  9. 17. young
  10. 19. New years
  11. 20. birthday
  12. 21. older
  13. 23. happy