5th Grade Choir

  1. 3. "We hope the _______ isn't wrong!"
  2. 4. The day of the week your concert takes place.
  3. 5. "There is meaning in an evening's glow on a cold and _____ night"
  4. 7. A word that means "snow storm" - used in "Ready, Set, Snow!"
  5. 9. The school where your concert is held.
  6. 13. The chipmunks really want one of these for Christmas.
  7. 14. "Time for joy and time for _______"
  8. 15. A word meaning "light in color" - describing moonlight in one of your songs
  9. 16. The last word you sing in "Ready, Set, Snow!"
  1. 1. A word meaning "to think deeply about" - in one of your songs
  2. 2. "Full moon rising on the _________"
  3. 5. A two-word phrase for "forecast"
  4. 6. "We can ________ stand the wait..."
  5. 8. The month when you concert takes place.
  6. 10. The last word you sing in "The Chipmunk Song"
  7. 11. "As the night falls with wind and ________ flake"
  8. 12. The last word you sing in "Winter's Frost"