5th Grade Choir
- 3. "We hope the _______ isn't wrong!"
- 4. The day of the week your concert takes place.
- 5. "There is meaning in an evening's glow on a cold and _____ night"
- 7. A word that means "snow storm" - used in "Ready, Set, Snow!"
- 9. The school where your concert is held.
- 13. The chipmunks really want one of these for Christmas.
- 14. "Time for joy and time for _______"
- 15. A word meaning "light in color" - describing moonlight in one of your songs
- 16. The last word you sing in "Ready, Set, Snow!"
- 1. A word meaning "to think deeply about" - in one of your songs
- 2. "Full moon rising on the _________"
- 5. A two-word phrase for "forecast"
- 6. "We can ________ stand the wait..."
- 8. The month when you concert takes place.
- 10. The last word you sing in "The Chipmunk Song"
- 11. "As the night falls with wind and ________ flake"
- 12. The last word you sing in "Winter's Frost"