6 Science Organ Systems

  1. 3. nervous system is made of the nerves, spinal cord and
  2. 5. organ that pumps blood through your body
  3. 7. system that breaks down food into smaller pieces called nutrients which cells can use for energy
  4. 10. system that is responsible for all of the body's movement
  5. 11. system that senses stimuli and coordinates responses
  6. 12. the bones that protect the vital organs in your torso such as your lungs, heart, and stomach
  1. 1. system that transports O2, CO2 and nutrients to/from cells
  2. 2. organ of the respiratory system that connects your mouth and nose to your lungs
  3. 4. the type of muscle in your heart
  4. 6. system that acts as the framework of the body and protects vital organs
  5. 8. organ of the digestive system that connects the mouth to the stomach
  6. 9. system that takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide