6.3 Mendel and Heredity

  1. 3. where Mendel was ordained in.
  2. 5. the alleles that suppress a trait are __________ traits.
  3. 8. Mendel studied seven different pea traits, including flower color and pea
  4. 11. Mendel was known as the ________ of genetics.
  5. 16. Organisms inherit two copies of each gene, one from each parent. Only one copy of a gene goes into an organism’s gametes. The two copies of a gene separate—or segregate—during gamete formation.
  6. 17. the first law of inheritance.
  7. 18. the study of biological inheritance patterns and variation in organisms.
  8. 19. original name until 1843.
  1. 1. Mendel’s wife
  2. 2. every gene is located at a specific spot on a pair of homologous chromosomes, known as _______.
  3. 4. where Mendel lived and died.
  4. 6. the study of genetics started in the 1800s with an Austrian monk.
  5. 7. a gene is a segment of ____ that instructs a cell on how to produce a certain protein.
  6. 9. He recognized that there are separate units of inheritance that come from each parent.
  7. 10. Mendel observed patterns in the first and second _______ of his crosses.
  8. 12. If a line of plants self-pollinates for long enough, the plants become genetically uniform, or
  9. 13. are characteristics* that are inherited, such as eye color, leaf shape, or tail length.
  10. 14. the mating of two organisms
  11. 15. Mendel used ______ to fertilize selected pea plants.