6th Grade GP-5 Vocabulary

  1. 4. to read again-Close Read
  2. 8. to make connections
  3. 9. your understanding of something
  4. 10. lighting sound and music
  5. 18. vocabulary, font and style of text
  6. 19. to write notes as you read
  7. 21. specific facts that support an answer
  8. 22. the one who writes or creates a drama
  9. 24. you, your
  10. 25. created using specific facts from the text
  11. 26. he, she, they
  1. 1. to make a conclusion based on facts
  2. 2. conversation between characters
  3. 3. especially important
  4. 5. your oral or written answer to a prompt
  5. 6. a prediction about a story outcome
  6. 7. a small part of an act
  7. 11. to watch and check
  8. 12. instructions for characters in a play
  9. 13. the viewpoint from which someone experiences something
  10. 14. I, Me
  11. 15. facts that support your answer
  12. 16. to bring facts together from different sources
  13. 17. a major section of a play
  14. 20. parts of a written piece
  15. 23. hateing someone because of their race, religion or nationality