6th Grade Social Studies

  1. 2. paper got its name from
  2. 5. picture or symbols to represent sounds, ideas or objects
  3. 7. a powerful king
  4. 8. used moldy bread to cover infections
  5. 11. pen
  6. 13. crop grown in Egypt
  7. 15. kind of math that Egyptians used
  8. 17. Nile nickname
  9. 18. ruling family
  10. 19. burial places made of stone
  11. 21. crop grown in Egypt
  12. 23. life after death
  1. 1. used the papyrus the most
  2. 3. Egypt's economy was based on
  3. 4. amuulets to protect the mummy
  4. 6. ruler of the new kingdom
  5. 9. great house
  6. 10. body wrapped in linen
  7. 12. Egyptians were experts at
  8. 14. trade goods for services
  9. 16. 3 kingdoms that Egypt was divided into
  10. 20. god of the dead
  11. 22. Ancient Egyptians were advanced at this