7 bad reasons for teaching grammar

  1. 2. Language/an other language that is not your native language
  2. 3. the power to give orders
  3. 4. it flows with out interruptions
  4. 8. something that says how something must be done.
  5. 9. it all makes sense.
  6. 12. the system to make a sentence right.
  7. 13. how far along something is.
  8. 14. another way of viewing things
  9. 17. to include something.
  10. 19. it's put into order.
  1. 1. words you know.
  2. 5. the means to do something.
  3. 6. what a word is divided into.
  4. 7. it makes sense, it fits together.
  5. 10. to make things easier.
  6. 11. you can check it.
  7. 15. complicated
  8. 16. system of inter-language
  9. 18. what makes someone safe.