7.2-3 Human Development Preschoolers

  1. 1. an inability to take another person's perspective
  2. 3. sentence structure
  3. 7. friendships teach this interaction
  4. 9. preschoolers respond to these and punishments according to Kohlberg
  5. 10. thinking about thinking
  6. 13. preschoolers tell tall tells to avoid this
  7. 15. parenting style where children are in control, parents are lenient
  8. 17. primitive reasoning based on feelings
  9. 18. this is the stage Piaget says preschoolers are in
  10. 20. a broad term for a developmental disability that can lead to social behaviors and communication problems
  11. 22. Erikson says preschoolers are in the initiative vs._______this
  12. 23. the tendency to focus on just one aspect of something seen
  13. 24. this guidance technique uses logic and explanation
  14. 25. 3 year olds have twice as many of these connections as adults
  15. 26. using language properly
  16. 27. this type of play involves building and creaing
  17. 28. thinking about what is remembered
  1. 2. meaning of words
  2. 3. Vygotsky says preschoolers learn through this interaction
  3. 4. Kohlberg says this is first level of morality
  4. 5. this type of play involves interacting while engaging in parallel
  5. 6. this type of play children play together or play make believe
  6. 8. parenting style that is supportive with clear expectations
  7. 11. formal or logical organized mental processes
  8. 12. doing this with a preschooler increases their language and vocabulary skills and is a social experience
  9. 14. This type of play is a way to learn new skills
  10. 16. an ability to follow transformations of viewed objects
  11. 19. parenting style that is controlling
  12. 21. word structures and formations
  13. 26. the sounds that make up words
  14. 29. this disorder is when people have a hard time focusing, are hyperactive, or impulsive