
  1. 1. A piece of advise
  2. 7. To make sth better
  3. 8. To allow a substance to enter the body
  4. 9. The reduse in value, number or amount
  5. 10. To make smaller or less
  6. 11. To make sth become larger
  7. 12. In an instant
  8. 15. To cause sth to improve or become successful
  9. 16. To take sth in
  10. 18. The possibility that sth bad or unpleasant will happen
  11. 20. To use your teeth to cut food into small pieces brfore you swallow it
  1. 2. To help sth happen, develop or increase
  2. 3. A seriuos disease in which the body cannot control the amuont of sugar in the blood
  3. 4. An illness
  4. 5. That happened only a short time ago
  5. 6. Having a good effect on sb
  6. 13. A body tissue that can contract and poduce movement
  7. 14. Being stretched to stiffness
  8. 17. The organ of the body in the head that controls functions, movements
  9. 19. A thin plastic tube used to suck liquids into the mouth