9th grade Games
- 7. lima (eng)
- 9. brightly sky's color is ...
- 10. Tree in Indonesian, means …
- 11. Sleep in Indonesian, means …
- 13. ibunya ayah kita disebut ... (eng)
- 14. 15 (eng)
- 16. fifth month in a year is ....
- 18. Mr Syamsul comes from ...
- 19. today is ....
- 22. .... is a reddish-brown monkey
- 24. how many months in a year?
- 25. a long-nosed monkey, called …
- 26. Makan in English is …
- 27. how many days in a week?
- 28. your mom's brother called as ....
- 1. Bekantan is a type of ……
- 2. Bekantans are used as the icon of …. , South Kalimantan.
- 3. malam hari(eng)
- 4. nama hari dengan 9 huruf (eng)
- 5. Its .... is about 6-22 kilograms.
- 6. your school's holiday is ....
- 8. where do the Bekantans live? ….. forests.
- 10. maaf(mohon di ulang) in english is ....
- 12. hutan hujan tropis (eng)
- 15. Ekor(eng)
- 17. kata tanya unt menanyakan waktu adalah ... (eng)
- 20. Hewan yang tinggal di pohon, disebut .... (eng)
- 21. this month is ...
- 23. Bekantan has a long and big …..