8.2 creating the constitution (Lainey)

  1. 2. May 25, 1787, how many delegates arrived in Philidelphia.
  2. 4. southern economies depended on this
  3. 6. what fraction of the slave population would be counted when setting taxes on the state.
  4. 9. He led the Annapolis delegates.
  5. 10. This man read more than 100 books on government in preparation for the meeting.
  6. 11. How many delegates were there in the Constitutional Convention.
  1. 1. Virginia Governor Edmund Randolph arrived in Philadelphia in
  2. 3. what led 2 weeks of debate.
  3. 5. what plan only aloud each state to have 1 vote
  4. 7. what state opposed the plan.
  5. 8. Virginia plan favored these states