8/30 Crossword Activity

  1. 2. A system of government where citizens vote themselves and not through representatives
  2. 3. Article in the Constitution that grants Congress the power to regulate business across states lines or that affect more than one state or outside nations
  3. 6. Ability of the judicial branch to declare acts of the other two branches unconstitutional
  4. 7. (1819) Court case where the Supreme Court ruled Congress could create a national bank
  5. 9. Article of the Constitution that gives Congress the right to tax to provide for health, peace, morality, and safety of the public
  6. 11. Powers of Congress that are not specified in the Constitution
  7. 13. Rule by the people
  8. 14. An article that gives Congress the power to pass all laws that are necessary and proper to its enumerated powers
  9. 16. Document that the Continental Congress adopted which outlined the first system of government in the United States which gave most of the power to the states
  10. 17. A state’s declaring an act of Congress that it considers unconstitutional null and void
  11. 20. People who opposed the ratification of the Constitution
  12. 22. (1803) Court case that established the power of judicial review
  13. 23. President’s power to reject a bill passed by Congress
  14. 24. System of government in which states have sovereign powers, and a central government has limited powers over the states
  15. 27. Powers of Congress that are specified in the Constitution
  16. 28. Makes federal laws supreme over state laws
  17. 29. System of government where states and the federal government both have power
  1. 1. Groups that influence government by backing candidates for election to enact a supported set of public policies
  2. 4. The president is indirectly elected through this system
  3. 5. Powers held jointly by the national and state governments
  4. 8. (1787) Meeting at which all twelve states intended to revise the Articles of Confederation buy ended up proposing an entirely new Construction
  5. 10. A system of government where citizens vote on representatives to govern them
  6. 12. The first ten amendments to the Constitution
  7. 15. A Constitutional division of powers between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches
  8. 18. System of government in which ultimate authority rests with the national government
  9. 19. FDR’s failed plan to add new justices to the Supreme Court so they would uphold his polices
  10. 20. Formal process of changing the constitution
  11. 21. Process for selecting state judges where the judge is originally appointed, and a retention election determine if the judge stays
  12. 25. Powers retained by the states under the Constitution
  13. 26. People who supported the ratification of the Constitution and later was the name of a political party supporting Alexander Hamilton