89 2021 T1 Vocabulary Crosswords

  1. 3. Refers to the ability of water to flow upward against gravity in narrow xylem vessels.
  2. 6. The ability of a plant to grow toward a source of moisture.
  3. 7. A system that sends signals to various parts of the body.
  4. 8. A force that drives water from root hair into root cells due to osmosis.
  5. 13. A plant system that includes every part below the ground.
  6. 15. A system that involves cells and proteins that defends the body against infection.
  7. 16. A system that removes waste products from the body.
  8. 17. A force that pulls water upward from the roots due to transpiration.
  9. 18. Related to the normal bodily functions.
  10. 21. A system that functions to absorb nutrition from food and drinks.
  11. 22. The ability of a plant to grow toward a source of light.
  12. 24. A system that allows active movement.
  13. 25. A system that protects vital organs of the body.
  1. 1. A system that provides oxygen to all organs of the body.
  2. 2. A system that secretes hormones or other chemicals directly into the blood.
  3. 4. A plant's ability to extract water from its surroundings, especially through the soil.
  4. 5. Loss of water from plants through the leaves.
  5. 9. The ability of the body to maintain itself at a stable equilibrium.
  6. 10. A system that supplies blood through the body.
  7. 11. A group of organs that work together to perform a certain function.
  8. 12. A plant system that includes every part above the ground.
  9. 14. Movement of water from a less concentrated environment to a more concentrated one through a semipermeable membrane.
  10. 19. The ability of a plant to grow in response to gravity pulling on it.
  11. 20. A system that enables sexual reproduction.
  12. 23. A group of similar tissues that serve a specific function.