8B-Vocabulary 11/20-12/1

  1. 5. too bad to be pardoned or forgiven
  2. 8. one who has personal knowledge of something
  3. 9. causing injury, grief, or pain
  4. 11. to break apart or in two : separate by or as if by violence or by intervening time or space
  5. 12. a hybrid language or dialect simplified in vocabulary and grammar and used for communication between peoples of different speech
  1. 1. characterized by injustice : UNFAIR
  2. 2. to inhibit the growth or development of
  3. 3. one that participates
  4. 4. to make unclean or impure
  5. 6. depriving someone of human qualities, personality, or dignity
  6. 7. the quality of being just; or right action
  7. 10. a usage or practice common to many or to a particular place or class or habitual with an individual
  8. 13. to beat, drive, or cast back/ to become driven back