8th grade history overview

  1. 3. reason Jamestown was founded
  2. 4. first US president
  3. 8. year of the Boston tea party
  4. 11. president of the union during the civil war
  5. 12. first permanent English settlement in the American colonies
  6. 13. the shot heard round the world
  7. 14. author of common sense
  8. 15. Nobel french man who fought with the Americans during the revolution
  9. 18. last battle of the revolution
  10. 20. Lincoln's assassin
  11. 21. doubled the size of the country
  12. 22. The right to vote
  13. 23. Lewis and Clark's guide
  14. 24. trade system that benefits the mother country
  15. 25. movement against the consumption of alcohol
  1. 1. year George Washington crossed the Delaware
  2. 2. year the CA gold rush started
  3. 5. first treasury secretary
  4. 6. ship the pilgrims sailed on
  5. 7. king of England during the revolution
  6. 9. year Lincoln was elected
  7. 10. the 7 year war
  8. 16. who killed Hamilton?
  9. 17. bloodiest civil war battle
  10. 19. president on the 2 dollar bill