8th Grade - Organelles, Organs, & Organ Systems

  1. 1. this system is responsible for the create and dissemination of hormones
  2. 9. damage to this organelle would lead to a lack of ATP production
  3. 11. this organ is responsible for detoxification and bile production
  4. 12. white blood cells have a lot of this organelle
  5. 13. receives, modifies, and sends off proteins
  6. 15. this organ is the driving force behind the circulatory system
  1. 2. the system is responsible for intake of O2 and removal of CO2
  2. 3. this system is primarily responsibe for movement of the body
  3. 4. this type of reproduction requires two parents and lead to genetically unique offspring
  4. 5. this organelle has a function comparable to a solar panel
  5. 6. this organelle functions similarly to the cell membrane and is found only in plants
  6. 7. this type of reproduction requires one parent and results in genetically identical offspring
  7. 8. without this system, we wouldn't be able to break down food and absorb nutrients
  8. 10. houses most of the cell's ribosomes
  9. 14. this is the largest organ of the human body and is the main component of the integumentary system