90 Years Young

  1. 2. bike path cruiser
  2. 4. big sister
  3. 7. taught
  4. 9. Fancher fruit tree
  5. 11. crazy 70s pants
  6. 14. early career path
  7. 16. hooked on
  8. 18. decades together
  9. 19. mom
  10. 20. 70s canine
  1. 1. helps his culinary staple rise
  2. 3. born there
  3. 5. such a huge wagon
  4. 6. asked to leave this school
  5. 8. two dozen call him this
  6. 10. beloved grandparents
  7. 12. beverage of choice
  8. 13. tv sport to watch
  9. 15. mower of choice
  10. 17. favorite cooling fabric