90s Technology

  1. 4. The first autonomous robotic pet; introduced the year Mr. Hayes was born! Mrs. Palmer remembers Black Friday knock down fights for these things!
  2. 8. The processor in the robotic pet mentioned above had 4x the power of the _______________.
  3. 11. This game established the genre of 1st person shooter games.
  4. 12. The robotic pet mentioned above was thought to threaten national ________ by some government officials.
  5. 14. The first system to be able to play disc games instead of cartridges.
  6. 15. Cooking tech included a ________ made by Heavy Weight Boxing Champion George Forman.
  7. 17. What started the virtual pet boom of the 1990s?
  1. 1. It is thanks to President Clinton’s decision to turn _____________ off that our modern GPS can show us our exact location.
  2. 2. Founder and CEO of Amazon
  3. 3. The first smartphone, called ________ was created in 1993 and sold for $900
  4. 5. In 2007, 2 million emails were sent every second, but 70% of them were spam and __________.
  5. 6. This piece of technology largely replaced the VHS tape…Mr. Hayes remembers trying to rewind this the first time he used it.
  6. 7. The first product sold by Amazon.
  7. 9. the___________ 170 was the first of what is now the notebook computer. It sold for $4600 in 1991.
  8. 10. Google is named because of the very large number 10100 the name for this number is actually_______.
  9. 13. In 1996, _____became the main source of communication in the United States, bypassing phone and postal mail.
  10. 16. The first question CEO of Amazon had to answer for investors was what’s the ________?