9B-Unit4 Natural disasters

  1. 4. used to describe sb who is the same as you in some way, or you in some way, or in the same situation.
  2. 6. to move past or to the other side of sb/sth.
  3. 7. living, not dead.
  4. 10. if a place floods or something floods it, it becomes filled or covered with water.
  5. 11. any one of the many small planets which go around the sun.
  6. 15. the flat surface at the front of a TV or computer, on which you see pictures or information.
  7. 17. to look at sb/sth for a long time
  8. 18. a violent tropical storm with very strong winds.
  9. 19. without delay
  10. 21. to wake up; to make sb wake up
  1. 1. unable to hear anything or unable to hear very well
  2. 2. to become or make something become liquid as a result of heating
  3. 3. a person who is in charge of other people at work and tells them what to do
  4. 5. a thing that can be seen and touched, but is not alive.
  5. 6. a small area of still water, especially one that has formed naturally.
  6. 8. a comfortable bus for carrying passengers over long distances.
  7. 9. not present after an accident, battle, etc. but not known to have been killed.
  8. 12. a sudden, violent shaking of the earth’s surface.
  9. 13. (of machines or equipment)not working because of a lack of power.
  10. 14. used to emphasize how serious a situation or an event is.
  11. 16. to see, hear or become aware of sb/sth; to pay attention to sb/sth.
  12. 20. a telephone connection; a particular telephone number.