  1. 3. our current president
  2. 5. displaying a lack of careful consideration
  3. 7. big:small obtuse:____
  4. 9. disloyal
  5. 16. an outcast
  6. 18. in a loud manner
  7. 19. encourage or stir up violent behavior
  8. 21. 6 punishments a long time ago were
  9. 23. what you become after drinking too much alcohol
  10. 24. to formally express disapproval
  11. 27. order of treatment
  12. 31. Mission San Jose's principal's last name
  13. 32. what you wish you could do with your lunch 4th period
  14. 33. the blue whale is a very ________ animal
  15. 34. a plot or scheme
  16. 35. song for the passed
  17. 37. what you do after you get a good grade on a Marple test
  18. 38. what the teachers do with your phones
  19. 39. 4 a larger pebble
  1. 1. the most perfect
  2. 2. what one can describe Morgan Freeman's voice
  3. 4. The Importance of Being _____
  4. 6. white is an ___________ for the color black
  5. 8. A system in which advancement is based on individual ability or achievement
  6. 10. the other founder of Facebook (not Mark)
  7. 11. 5 mind readers
  8. 12. the fetal position
  9. 13. the appointment of friends without regard of their qualifications
  10. 14. the government system North Korea uses
  11. 15. "down bad"
  12. 17. there was a court case between Amber Heard and _______ ____
  13. 20. appointing your family members without regard of their qualifications
  14. 22. the dry grass in Fremont is not very _____
  15. 25. a fruit that is commonly known as a vegetable
  16. 26. 2 the feeling of doing Marple post-its
  17. 28. 1 your vocabulary
  18. 29. I scream you scream, we all scream for:
  19. 30. a rule or motto
  20. 36. to last for a long time
  21. 37. 3 to plead