A BIG Crossword Puzzle!

  1. 2. My favorite holiday
  2. 5. This is my favorite place to go on vacation (it's a theme park!)
  3. 6. This is my favorite outdoors activity
  4. 9. This is my go-to order from Starbucks
  5. 12. This is my favorite Marvel movie(s)
  6. 13. My favorite Star Wars movie
  7. 15. My favorite genre of books to read (you read a lot of them in school)
  8. 17. The size of my APO family is...
  9. 18. This is my favorite animal
  10. 19. The Sorting Hat decided that I would fit best into this Hogwarts House
  11. 20. My all time favorite band
  1. 1. I am studying to become an...
  2. 3. The lego set I'm building right now that involves a vase
  3. 4. My favorite game to play on that involves a lot of really cute animal characters
  4. 7. My favorite breed of dog
  5. 8. This is my go-to bubble tea order (it's from Gong cha!)
  6. 10. This is my baking specialty and I make them by the dozens for my friends
  7. 11. My favorite dinosaur
  8. 14. This is the only gaming console that I own
  9. 16. My favorite candy