Bee Word-Wise

  1. 2. type of eye made up of thousands of tiny lenses and see in color
  2. 3. the final phase of the honey bee life cycle
  3. 6. rear body region containing digestion, respiration, and reproduction organs, as well as the stinger and wax glands
  4. 7. collection of hairs where pollen is stored for transport
  5. 11. located on the underside of the abdomen; form and excrete wax
  6. 13. male bees responsible for mating with the queen
  7. 14. jaw-like structures used to knead wax and chew honey and pollen
  8. 17. stomach-like organ connected to the digestive tract
  9. 18. the beginning of the honey bee life cycle
  10. 19. female bee that lays eggs
  1. 1. movable feelers that detect smell and movement
  2. 4. middle body region containing flight muscles, four wings, and six legs
  3. 5. develops from the larva inside the cocoon; this stage is when eyes, legs and wings develop
  4. 8. worm-like creature that hatches from the egg
  5. 9. contains two compound eyes, three simple eyes, two antennae, mandibles and the proboscis
  6. 10. female bees that perform many of the jobs for the colony
  7. 11. can beat 250 times per second, allowing flight up to 15 mph
  8. 12. type of eye that have thick lenses that senses changes in brightness
  9. 15. three pairs of segmented structures used for walking, dusting their antennae, and storing pollen
  10. 16. only found on females; used for defense