A Day Out!

  1. 3. _______ is he capital of Scotland
  2. 4. Not ___________. It usually rains.
  3. 7. Does it always _________ in winter?
  4. 8. Starting in France, it’s ______ in Paris and quite cloudy
  5. 12. It usually _________ in October, but it’s not raining now.
  6. 13. Get the fire _____________
  1. 1. A: And can I have some _________? B: What for?
  2. 2. It’s cold and _________ in Berlin, and it’s raining too.
  3. 5. What’s the__________like today?
  4. 6. ________ autumn, winter o spring.
  5. 7. Leave the building. Use the ________.
  6. 9. She’s not here. She’s ____________ the shopping.
  7. 10. ________ the glass and activate the fire alarm
  8. 11. Can I use Dad’s bike? I don’t know. Ask _____
  9. 14. Can I use Mum’s bike? I don’t know. Ask _____.