A Genetics Journey

  1. 2. Hair and eye color are an example of these, which you inherit.
  2. 5. Different forms of a gene
  3. 8. The study of genes and how traits are passed on from one generation to the next.
  4. 9. Found in the cell and is made up of DNA.
  5. 11. A method to create an exact copy of an organism.
  6. 13. The sheep that was cloned.
  7. 14. The father of Genetics who studied pea plants.
  1. 1. It is found in the cells of all living things and contains the genetic code.
  2. 3. This means that you receive traits that are passed down from your parents.
  3. 4. This type of allele is represented with a lowercase letter (b)
  4. 6. Scientists who study genetics are called this.
  5. 7. This type of allele is represented with a capital letter (B)
  6. 10. The parts of the DNA that determine your traits.
  7. 12. All of the DNA in a cell.